Health and well-being
We provide logistical support to big companies related to health and well-being sectors: medical, pharmaceutical and fitness.
We transport very sensitive equipments, many of them robotized. We have at our disposal the most adecuate tools to carry out the equipments handling. We make deliveries of great difficulty, due to the equipments final location’s access or characteristics.
We have at our disposal special and custom packages, essential for the devices’ secure transfer. For the later movement of these equipments, we guard the packages in áreas of our warehouses that are enabled for this purpose.
In LQS we respond with special deliveries of health-related equipment due to emergency situations. We also adapt to fixed or very limited schedules, even to deliveries outside of working hours. Coordination with hospital staff should be total. All this is necessary in order to not cause any disorder in the activity of the hospital centers.
Coordination with the technical staff of the manufacturing company is also necessary. Once the delivery has been made, and as far as possible, we collaborate during the equipments assembly. If necessary, we are able to make small assemblies.
We know the socio-sanitary environment, which facilitates our work with the health sector. In addition, we are prepared to work in cleanrooms and sterile areas, common conditions of these equipments locations.

We offer fitness equipment and spare parts storage, stock control and transport until its gym location, aesthetics center, etc. Once the distribution is done, our staff is trained to assemble and install the equipment. We also offer technical service for its annual preventive maintenance and, if its case, carry out the necessary repairs. The service is carried out at the customers premises.
To facilitate the after-sales efforts, we can centralize customer service by launching a call-center. Among the services of added value we make refurbishing, scrap, reconditioning of parts or equipment returned, etc. Finally, we liquidated stocks, managing their sale in secondary markets.
- We assemble and distribute basic supplie kits and emergencies kits, etc.