Over the last five years, LQS has undergone great changes brought about by the desire to be a unique company and to offer our customers value-added services. Throughout this process, we have upheld our fundamental values that make us stand out and be a benchmark for our clients.
At LQS, we are committed to the growth of the company, operating in an economically and environmentally sustainable way and respecting and promoting the rights of individuals.
En LQS estamos comprometidos con el crecimiento de la sociedad, operando de manera económica y ambientalmente sostenible, respetando y promoviendo los derechos de las personas.
As part of our commitment, we have established different processes and sought to ensure the least environmental impact whilst developing our activity

Efficient Constructions
In our wish to contribute to the sustainability of the planet, we not only develop processes to reduce electricity consumption, but also seek to provide our own supply of renewable energies.
On the roof of our logistics warehouse on the industrial estate located in Alcalá de Henares, photovoltaic panels have been installed whose thermal solar energy is used for the production of domestic hot water.

Logistics Innovation
The transport of goods is one of the activities with the greatest environmental impact due to the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emission.
At LQS, we have implemented different measures by seeking a lower impact on the environment and improving transport efficiency. These measures include, amongst others, avoiding empty runs, optimizing routes and load placement, establishing a speed limit within Spain and the use of Adblue.

Green technology
Our commitment to the Environment also applies to our computer systems: we ensure that the “energy saving” mode is activated and that devices are turned off when they are not being used.

Reuse and recycling
LQS has an adequate waste management policy in place to prevent and reduce soil, water and air pollution and to optimize the use of resources by promoting waste segregation
This commitment to the Environment is guaranteed by our certification in UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015
LQS is aware that continuing to grow and being at the forefront of the sector depends directly on the level of satisfaction of our customers, which is why it seeks to offer excellence in the quality of its service.
The LQS integrated management system reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and the following aspects:
- Monitoring of customer needs
- Periodic measurement of service levels
- Anticipation of future needs
- Troubleshooting
- Custom management
LQS’ process of suppliers and subcontractor certification ensures collaboration with companies that have the ability to meet specific requirements for customers and our own organization.
In accordance with the principles of our Quality Management, LQS applies its evaluation procedure for suppliers and subcontractors on the basis of:
- Customer requirements
- Certification in Quality and Environment by recognized bodies
- Legal compliance in employment and health and safety aspects
- Payment risk control
Suppliers and subcontractors are subject to continuous evaluation, contemplating compliance with the fundamental principles for their approval.
All responsible parties involved in the selection of suppliers and subcontractors are obliged to act with integrity and ethics, applying the principles of validation and avoiding putting their personal interests before those of LQS.
The creation of quality employment is a priority in LQS to contribute to the sustainable development of society via actions that improve the conditions of equality, conciliation, non-discrimination and retention of employment, as well as training and professional development

Human Resources
The selection processes are transparent, ensuring the basic principles of non-discriminatory action, equal opportunities, and respecting the rights of people and promoting diversity.
At LQS, we guarantee that the terminating of an employment relationship will always be fair and respectful.

Creation and maintenance of employment
LQS’ commitment to the creation and maintenance of employment is demonstrated by the increase in staff that it has experienced in recent years.
LQS is committed to job security
- boosting full-time indefinite hiring as well as the conversion into permanent contracts of temporary contracts.
83% of employees currently have an indefinite contract
- offering an adequate salary remuneration to the position and in 35% of the cases over and above the agreement
- social benefits such as life insurance, allowances and travel, clothing and work material (cars, computers, mobile phones), hampers, etc.
- different facilities for rest periods with vending machines, coffee, appliances for the conservation and preparation of food and television

Equal opportunities
Measures taken to promote equal opportunities are reflected in the number of workers in the LQS workforce, already surpassing 31% in a logistics sector that is male-dominated.

The company promotes the professional and personal development of all its employees maintaining a policy of continuous training and guaranteeing a level of professional demand.

Work-life balance
LQS promotes mechanisms that allow the flexible organization of work and facilitates the rationalization of working hours by promoting the balancing of personal, family and professional life.

Safety and hygiene
LQS is committed to health and safety at work, complying with the laws and regulations applicable to the prevention of occupational risks.
Employees are given the appropriate protective equipment as well as training in risk prevention and procedures stipulated in emergency situations.

LQS collaborates directly or indirectly with non-profit organizations:
- 4 photocopiers are repaired a year free of charge as property of the manufacturer and transported to the different NGOs to which they are donated
- Teams are sponsored to participate in charity races
- Basic kits are stored for later distribution in the event of catastrophes with a reduction in price of 50%
- Donation to associations