We are an expert company in logistics applied especially to manufacturers and distributors of technological equipment. Our customers, who work in sectors such as printing, banking, health or information technologies, fin in us their best partner.
In LQS we adapt to your requirements regarding space and storage formulas. We offer transport and final destination delivery solutions, even in the cases of access with great difficulties. Furthermore, we have the best tolos for the movement of high-tech merchandise.
We are also technical service providers. For this reason we have created a department that today is highly valued by our customers and has become one of our hallmarks. We have our own techniciens, specialized and highly equipped, in the teams of each one of the sectors for which we work.
Identified with the protection of the enviroment and taking into account the idiosyncrasies of the sector for which we work, in LQS we also dedícate to ecological management.
Lastly, we offer added value services susch as standard distribution, technical room for hardware and software treatment and digitization room.
The philosophy that moves our company is based on the possibility of connecting the different areas of activity that we have. This, coupled with the flexibility of our structure enables us to respond quickly and effectively to the requirements of each customer or project.
The relationship with our customers is of commitment, closeness and empathy. In LQS we understand the needs and problems that they confront and we put all of our experience to provide the most suitable solutions. Thanks to the deep knowledge of its business, we detect possibilities of progress in advance. In a world where the time has direct impact on the cost saving and, therefore, on the benefits, our support supposes a competitive advantage for them.

Our logistical coverage covers Spain and Portugal, including the islands, with a network of 23 platforms distributed throughout the peninsula. We also work in the rest of Europe, with first-rate logistic service providers.
As for the coverage of our technical service, we are implanted in all the Spanish peninsular provinces and in the Balearic and Canary Islands. For the entire Portuguese market we work from two Centers: Lisbon and Oporto.
LQS belongs to the group Transportes Carrasco and since the beginning of our activity, in 2007, we are committed to offer global solutions. We plan, coordinate and manage projects mainly of logistics and technical service, with the commitment to the fulfilment of the levels of service and the most effective attention. We establish indicators to improve results, providing data that supports the success of our work.
C/ Alejandro Goicoechea, 1
Tel.: (+34) 91 879 81 97
Fax: (+34) 91 883 43 64
Calle Torre Bovera, 41 – 49 Naves 1 y 2
08740 SANT ANDREU DE LA BARCA. Barcelona
Tel.: (+34) 93 223 70 33
Fax: (+34) 93 223 70 34
Estrada da Outorela 118
Parque Holanda
2790-118 Carnaxide. Lisboa
Tel.: (+351) 211 323 845 / Móvil : (+351) 913 773 416
LOGISTICS QUALITY SERVICES, has a particular interest on its commitment to quality and with respect for the environment in its activity of specialized transportation, storage and handling, ecological management and other services of added value, maintaining a high level in the provision of its services.
Our business strategy is to offer value-added services for the integral management of logistics projects, with a global approach, implementing best practices to ensure effective services, sustainable and profitable with the purpose of achieving the satisfaction of our customers, increasing our competitiveness in the market.
This policy constitutes the management philosophy that leads us to increase our prestige in the logistics industry. To achieve this we apply among others, the following principles:
To bet on the quality and respect for the Environment. For this reason we have implemented and certified an Integrated Management System, based on the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and UNE-EN ISO 14001. This management allows us to know the Life Cycle Analysis and the carbon footprint of our activity, at the same time it facilitates us to do a job well done day after day, investing in quality and continuous improvement objectives.
Provide efficient transport and storage solutions, tailored to our customers needs using the best tools for the movement of all kinds of goods.
Develop Logistics services specialized for our customers, efficiently proposing and expanding their portfolio of added value services.
To offer our customers an efficient management of the non-hazardous waste.
Comply with the legislation and regulations that apply to us and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, related to the environmental aspects and with the provision of our services.
To prevent pollution from its origin, reducing the environmental impact that our daily work produces through an exhaustive control of the emissions, waste and optimum consumption of natural resources.
To make our customers, suppliers and interested parties participants in this policy.
The management is committed to guarantee the necessary resources for the development of this policy which is part of the business strategy and to periodically review its content.